Sarah Huckabee elected as Arkansas’s first woman governor
Sarah Huckabee Sanders won Arkansas’ gubernatorial race and became the first woman governor(47th) in Arkansas’ history. Republican Asha Hutchinson could not run for reelection for term limits.
BREAKING NEWS: Fox News Decision Desk projects Sarah Huckabee Sanders to win Arkansas governor's race.
— Fox News (@FoxNews) November 9, 2022
The Gubernatorial Candidates of Arkansas
The Republican and previous White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee, 40, won the gubernatorial race by defeating Leftist Chris Jones and Libertarian Ricky Dale Harrington Jr.
The Associate Press named the gubernatorial race for Sanders on Tuesday night.
Huckabee will assume to take control from Republican incumbent Asa Hutchinson, and her triumph comes after her dad Mike Huckabee filled in as the state’s 44th governor from 1996 to 2007.
Sarah has chipped away at different campaigns throughout her political profession, including Sen. John Boozman’s, Sen.Tom Cotton’s, and her dad’s.
Leftist Chris Jones is a nuclear engineer with a Ph.D. in metropolitan planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He crushed Anthony Tasteless and three different contenders in the Democratic primary by getting more than 70% of the vote.

Sarah’s Political Career
Sarah Huckabee Sanders served as President Donald Trump’s press secretary from 2017 to 2019 and launched her gubernatorial mission last January. Sanders broke a state-raising money record, getting $4.8 million for her campaign in the primary quarter of her nomination.
Sanders promoted a recognizable “the rule of law” manner of speaking as she reported her run, referring to keep going year’s assault on the United States Capitol building by a crowd of Trump followers. Nonetheless, she didn’t specify Trump’s part in propelling the uproars. President Donald Trump was impeached for that reason.
Sarah said in her announcement video,” We’ve seen violence in our streets, at a congressional baseball practice, and at our Capitol. This is not who we are as Americans. To remain free, we must have law and order.”
She continued,” Everything we love about America is at stake, and with the radical left now in control of Washington, your governor is your last line of defense.
“Everything we love about America is at stake, and with the radical left now in control of Washington, your governor is your last line of defense,” Sanders said. “In fact, your governor must be on the front line. So today, I announced my candidacy for governor of Arkansas and ask for your prayers and support.”
Sarah Huckabee Sanders worked for Fox News in 2019 as an on-air contributor and has now been elected as Arkansas’ 47th governor.
The Voting History Of Arkansas
Arkansas supported previous President Donald Trump over President Joe Biden with an almost 28% margin of triumph in 2020. The state favored Republicans in 10-13 Presidential elections since 1972. The Republicans had controlled Arkansas’s government for a decade. In recent polls, Arkansas has become intensely red, with the Republican’s edge of triumph expanding in the past five elections.