Michael Keaton starred in Batman movie was canceled by DC.

Michael Keaton starred in Batman movie was canceled by DC.

Michael Keaton, an American actor, gained universal acclaim for his famous role in the DC comics superhero-based film Batman (1989) and later Batman Returns(1992). A recent shake-up at Warner Brothers Discovery and DC Studios allegedly led to the cancellation of a spinoff of The Flash featuring  Batman starring Micheal Keaton. In the upcoming The Flash film starring Ezra Miller, Keaton will don the iconic DC vigilante’s armor once more after departing the franchise after Batman Returns.

While Keaton’s Batman will play a significant part in the plot, Ben Affleck’s Bruce Wayne will also return in the DC Universe film. The multiverse-focused film starring Barry Allen would be a springboard for Keaton to return as Batman.

As a spinoff from The Flash, Keaton may have had his own Batman movie once more. According to Jeff Sneider of The Hot Mic Podcast, Christina Hodson, who wrote The Flash, had reportedly been working on a brand-new Batman movie focusing on Keaton’s interpretation of the Dark Knight. The project would have acted as a reboot and carried on the Caped Crusader’s investigation following The Flash’s events.

It’s unknown how far they got with the development, but the host claims the movie has since been scrapped. Umberto Gonzalez of The Wrap has also investigated the report, alleging that Keaton was slated to star in a Batman Beyond film. Nobody from Warner Bros. or DC Studios. Discovery has said.

Will Michael Keaton be back as Batman again?

Michael Keaton is probably returning as Batman in the “Batman Beyond” film. The plan was to have Keaton’s Batman return in The Flash movie so that he might become a recurring figure in the DC Universe. According to early rumors, Keaton’s character might have a position akin to Nick Fury from the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the DC Extended Universe. Whether that will be the case for Keaton’s Batman has been murky over the past two years.

Batman Beyond may give Keaton another career breakthrough

If the rumors that Keaton was slated to play in a Batman Beyond movie are accurate, this would be the second significant project that Keaton has lost out on while working for the DC Universe. After the events of The Flash movie, Keaton’s Batman was supposed to take over as the new Dark Knight for the DC Universe, which would then lead into the Leslie Grace–starring Batgirl movie on HBO Max.

Source: Twitter

In what would have been Barbara Gordon’s origin story, Michael Keaton filmed his sequences and was frequently glimpsed as Batman in set shots. Nevertheless, Keaton’s work will never see when the studio controversially canceled the Warner Bros. HBO Max’s Batgirl movie following the Discovery merger.

It’s challenging to envision Keaton’s Batman remaining in the DC Universe beyond The Flash movie, given the loss of two projects. Even though he won’t appear in either Batman Beyond or Batgirl movies, it’s still feasible that he will play some role in the DCU following the Scarlet Speedster movie.

Time will tell what happens to Keaton’s Batman, given the uncertainties surrounding the DC Universe following multiple alarming stories this week about DC Studios’ revamp of the property. Although James Gunn, the co-CEO of DC Studios, responded to the DCU allegations, it is still unknown whether Michael Keaton will reprise as Batman in the franchise following The Flash.

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