Nina Hoss

Nina Hoss: Husband and Family, as well as His Net Worth!

Nina Hoss was born on July 7th, 1975, in Stuttgart, West Germany. She is a well-known stage and screen actress from Germany. Nina Hoss made her stage and radio debuts at the age of seven. She graduated from the “Ernst Busch” Drama School in Berlin (1997). Willi Hoss, the co-founder of the German Green Party, and actress Heidemarie Rohwedder are her parents. She is best known for her work on A Most Wanted Man (2014 film), Barbara, and Phoenix (2012). The anniversary of her marriage to Alex Silva is approaching.

Nina has a special place in my heart. If you’re interested in learning more about Nina Hoss, you’ve come to the right place.

Nina Hoss’s estimated net worth, physical measurements, ages, marital statuses, children and parents will all be covered in this section.

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An In-Depth Account of Nina Hoss’s Life

Nina Hosse is a well-known German actress. Her birthplace is Stuttgart, Germany, where she was born on the 7th of July, 1975. Nina Hoss is 45-years-old (in 2021). Her net worth is expected to reach $10 million by the year 2021. The following is a comprehensive biography of Nina Hoss, including her estimated net worth, age, height, and body measurements.

Birth Name Nina Hoss
Age (2021)

45 years old (in 2021)
Nationality German
Birth of Place Stuttgart, Germany


The Net Worth of Nina Hoss

What is Nina Hoss’s net worth? By 2021, Nina Hoss’s money had grown significantly. This section focuses on her sources of income, wealth, and salary. Her principal source of income is as an actress.

Nina Hoss is expected to have a net worth of $10 million in 2021. The following is a breakdown of her net worth and sources of income.

Source of Income Actress
Net Worth (2021) USD 10 Million approx

The Birthday and Age of Nina Hoss

Do you know how old Nina Hoss actually is? Her appearance conceals her age. A celebrity’s outer look often misleads us about their true age and health. Everything you need to know about her age and birthday may be found right here.

July 7, 1975, was the day of Nina Hoss’s birth in Stuttgart, Germany. She is 45 years younger than me (in 2021).

Birthday July 7, 1975
Age in 2021 45 years old (in 2021)
Zodiac Sign Cancer

Data about a person’s weight, height, and physical shape

There are times when you wish you could get a closer look at some of the celebrities you watch on television. Some of the most well-known persons in the world’s height and weight may be found here. What do you think Nina Hoss’s height is? Many people are interested in this subject. The following sections detail Nina Hoss’s stats, including her height and weight.

Nina Hoss is a 5′ 1″ (1.80 m) lady with a weight of 60 kg and a height of 1.80 m. (132 lbs). Weight loss is feasible.

Weight 60 kg (132 lbs)
Height 5 Feet 1 Inches (1.80 m)

When it comes to her love Life and Relationships, Nina is an expert.

The love lives and marriages of celebrities captivate the attention of their devoted following. It is difficult for most celebrities to sustain a long-term relationship. Some celebrities, on the other hand, have been married for a lengthy period of time and are happy with their union.

Nina Hoss

When it comes to the personal lives of Nina Hoss’s fans, they’re keen to discover more. It’s time for us to hear Nina Hoss’ story of love and romance.

Nina Hoss’ boyfriend was Alex Silva.

Relationship Status Married
Boyfriend Name Alex Silva
Husband Name Alex Silva
Daughter Name UNKNOWN


This is the end of Hoss’ narrative. Questions about Hoss can be asked in the comment section below. if you see any errors, please let us know. Our primary sources of information are Wikipedia and the social media feeds of celebrities.

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